Title of the project : RFID
based banking system
IEEE 2008 DOI : 10.1109/WAINA.2008.233
Domain : Embedded Systems Design
Software : Assembler, Proload
Microcontroller : 89S52 CISC Micro Controller
Power Supply : +5V, 500mA Regulated Power Supply
Display : a) LCD, HD44780 16-character, 2-line
LED 5mm
Crystal : 11.0592MHz
Communication : RFID, RS232 serial communication
Applications : college companies, banks etc.
RFID is an
acronym for Radio Frequency Identification. RFID is a member of Automatic
Identification and Data Capture (AIDC) technologies and is a fast and reliable
means of identifying just about any material object. This project can be used
for security purpose where it gives information about the authorized persons and
unauthorized persons. This project is mainly used in banks where the persons
will be given an ID CODE to access his/her locker system or his/her account.
This can be applied in real time systems to know about the persons who can
access the banks. For the persons without an
ID CODE cannot access the system. Primarily, the two main components involved
in a Radio Frequency Identification system are the Transponder (tags that are attached
to the object) and the Interrogator (RFID reader).Communication between the
RFID reader and tags occurs wirelessly and generally doesn’t require a line of sight between
the devices. RFID tags are categorized as either active or passive. Active RFID tags
are powered by an internal battery and are typically read/write, i.e., tag data can be
rewritten and/or modified. An active tag's memory size varies according to application requirements; some
systems operate with up to 1MB of memory. Passive RFID tags operate without a
separate external power source and obtain operating power generated from the
reader. This project uses passive tags. The reader
has three main functions: energizing, demodulating and decoding. The antenna emits
radio signals to activate the tag and to read and write data to it.
In this project, the RFID module reader typically contains a
module(transmitter and receiver), a control unit and a coupling element
(antenna). This module is interfaced with
the micro controller and when the card is brought near to the RFID module
it reads the ID CODE in the card and then compares with the ID CODE present in the system and if it matches then the
door gets opened in clockwise direction and the person gets in and after
sometime the door gets automatically closed. Every time we make a transaction
we need to enter user id and password using KEYPAD. For a successful match of
the Id transaction is enable else denied. If the password is not matching after
three successive failures the system gets locked itself and further transaction
are denied. The transaction denial is indicated by hooting a buzzer. The significant advantage of all types of
RFID systems is the noncontact, non-line-of-sight nature of the technology.
Tags can be read through a variety of substances such as
snow, fog, ice, paint, crusted grime,
and other visually and environmentally
challenging conditions, where barcodes or
other optically read technologies would be useless. This project can provide security for the industries, companies; etc.
This project uses regulated 5v, 500mA power supply. 7805, a three terminal
voltage regulator is used for voltage regulation. Bridge type full wave
rectifier is used to rectify the ac output
of secondary of 230/12v step down transformer. The RFID module requires
a separate +5v power supply
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