Title of the project : HEART
Domain : Embedded Systems Design
Software : assembler, Proload
Microcontroller : 89S52 Micro Controller
Power Supply : +5V, 500mA Regulated Power Supply
Display : a) LCD, HD44780 16-character, 2-line (16X2)
LED 5mm
Crystal : 11.0592MHz
Sensors : LDR and LED
Applications : Homes, offices, shops etc
The heart Beat rate known as pulse rate is the number of times a
person’s heat beats in a minute. It is one of the four vital signs that are
taken by doctors to assess the most basic functions of patients body. Hence
counting of heart beat some times becomes essential for proper treatment.
A person’s heart forces the blood to flow through the arteries. As
a result the arteries throb in sync with the beating of the heart. This
throbbing can be felt at the person’s wrist and other places over the body.
Electronically this throbbing can be sensed using LDR and LED
sensor. The LDR resistance changes with the intensity of the light falling on
its surface. The variations in the light intensity due to blood flow are
exploited in this project.
The counter is configured such that it counts the pulses for 1
minute. The process is initiated by a start condition and the count terminates
at the end of 60 seconds. The result is displayed on the LCD.
Although the pulse rate can be manually measured by ourselves, an
electronic digital heart beat counter gives the opportunity to measure tit
automatically and continuously. Our heart beat monitor has the following
salient features.
1) A Light
dependent resistor is used as transducer.
2) A blinking
LED for visual indication of heat beats.
3) Counts are
automatic and are displayed on LCD.
4) Continuous
monitoring can be done.
5) The processed
signal can be fed to data logger for future reference.
6) Works on AC
mains or batteries.
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Thanks n regards,
ADMIN Examsadda
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